Care and Connection

Care and Connection focuses on our congregational family, taking the lead in knowing about and caring for our community.   

The Committee works to make our Sunday Services welcoming and sponsors events that foster connections and deeper relationships.

John Andrews

Carolyn Bistrian
Carol Mason
Jim Thurman

Pam Wittenberg


The UUCSF is a caring community.  As individuals we face many challenges.  Knowing that others are available to hear our sorrows, face our problems or celebrate our successes is an important part of creating a beloved community.  We work together to create an environment that is welcoming, understanding, empathetic, engaged, energetic and helpful.  It can be as simple as lighting a candle of concern at a Sunday Service, financial assistance or spiritual comfort.  The congregation works to be there for one another.  Our minister, Reverend Kimberly Quinn Johnson, is always available and can be reached at

Remembrance Garden:

Our Remembrance Garden is a refuge for a solemn moment at the edge of the Long Pond Preserve.  Members and friends of the congregation have inscribed bricks as dedications to loved ones. Please contact the office and Care and Connections Team.

Safe Congregation:

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.  Our faith calls us to act in ways that foster well-being in ourselves and others by doing no harm and acting responsibly to create communities and institutions that are safe from all types of abuse and violence.  Ours is a covenantal faith, based in right relationships that promote mutuality and equal regard.  The goals of the UUCSF Safe Congregations policies are to support leaders in creating a safe space within our congregation, encourage right relations among persons who are part of the congregation, and promote just relations between the congregation and the larger community of which it is a part. 

Click here for a complete explanation of the UUCSF Safe Congregation Policy