Upcoming Services
Services start Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
To sign our Virtual Guest Book:
What to Expect on your first visit
We are a welcoming congregation and hope we convey that warmth. You will be greeted at our door and asked to sign our guest book, given an order of service, a name tag and some conversation that makes you feel comfortable.
Some logistics:
- Sunday Services begin at 10:30 at our Meetinghouse
- Services usually last an hour followed by hospitality in our social hall
- Our Minister is Reverend Kimberly Quinn Johnson
- Dress is casual and comfortable — “Come as you are”
- There is a Religious Exploration program available for children
- Children join us for the beginning of worship, followed by class after the First Message. They are always welcome to stay in service with their family.
- Parking is plentiful in our own lot
- We are a small but vibrant congregation and a typical Sunday has 35-50 attendees
- Please contact our Minister with any questions. minister@uucsf.org or 631 537-0132
We hope you will find a connection with us. Our services offer a medley of experiences and affirming activities, including inspirational music, thoughtful readings, pointed commentary from our minister, as well as lay leaders and “Candles of Community,” where one can briefly share a joy or a concern. Our services offer such variety that we encourage visitors to come more than once to get a true picture of who we are and what is available.
Music is an integral part of our Sunday services. Weaving together the spoken word and music through song and instrumentals add to the depth of our services, making the messages more poignant. As a vital part of the service, we tap many sources for inspiration including performers, invited guests, and our congregants through singing hymns and songs.
A typical service opens with a Prelude to settle our minds and body. Music can lift our spirits during the Offertory and provides some space for reflection during Meditation. Our hymns give us time to stretch and exercise our collective voices in joyful celebration. Finally, the Postlude closes our service to bring us full circle to provide an appreciation of the hour we have spent together.
We are blessed with a variety of musicians of different ages and backgrounds. We invite musicians from the community as well as members of our congregation to offer us their talents. Our program encompasses a variety of musical genres to broaden our experience and to complement worship themes.
We are fortunate to have a beautiful Steinway grand piano which was donated to the UUCSF by Len Harmon in memory of his wife, Marion, who played the piano. We are grateful for the beautiful sound and the wonderful acoustics in the Meetinghouse.
Music Director: Steven Skoldberg
Steven was selected as our Music Director in 2019. Steven brings a multitude of talents to the congregation. He has engaged us via piano, guitar, original compositions, with vocals and incorporates a wide breadth of musical offerings. He is a life-long musician. Steven was schooled in classical music at the University of Buffalo and is a music educator who recently retired from the Montauk Public School and, currently, teaches part-time at the Ross School.
UUCSF Choir:
The UUCSF’s pop-up Choir performs twice a year, during the spring and for the holidays. Our Music Director, Steven Skoldberg, directs our choir, which consists of enthusiasts from our congregation plus some invited singers from the Hamptons Choral Society. Musical selections range from classical to spirituals to pieces from around the world. Our singers enjoy being together rehearsing and performing and their efforts are always well-received. The choir is a welcoming group always looking for new talent or interested singers. Come join us!
To attend service online, go to https://uucsf.info/