Meet our Minister
Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson has served as minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork since 2015. She has embraced the East End of Long Island as well as her congregation. Reverend Johnson is a sought-after fixture in our community. Her perspective, insights, and actions have led to social justice initiatives and increased UU influence in the area. She is a welcomed proactive force for change.
Reverend Johnson is a rising star within the larger Unitarian Universalist denomination. She wears many leadership hats. She serves on the Organizing Collective Board for Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism. Reverend Johnson is co-chair of the UUA Appointments Committee and on the Board of Trustees of the UU Women’s Federation. Another of Reverend Johnson’s passions is serving our UU youth. She is a leader with the UU College of Social Justice. She hopes to spend her summer working with youth through UU Summer Seminary or Thrive: leadership school for UU youth of color. Lastly, Rev. Johnson was selected to co-present at the prestigious Berry Street Essay, the longest-running lecture series in the United States on its 200th anniversary in 2020.
Reverend Johnson brings creativity, enthusiasm, and passion to our Meetinghouse. The core of her ministry is faith formation—creating spaces and experiences for people to connect to the sacred, and to express that connection in the world. Reverend Johnson challenges congregants with theories and practices from many sources. This facilitates the exchange and exploration of our knowledge which encourages a deeper understanding and commitment to act.
Rev. Johnson has a wide range of experiences which fostered her passion and expertise for racial justice work. Earlier in her career, Reverend Johnson worked as a union organizer with the United Auto Workers. She also taught Women’s and Gender Studies at New Jersey City University. Rev Johnson is a graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School, where she was awarded Faculty Award for Religious Leadership. Before coming to the UUCSF, she was the Intern Minister at the Fourth Universalist Society, on the upper west side of Manhattan.
Contact Reverend Kimberly
Music Director: Steven Skoldberg
Steven was selected as our Music Director in 2019. Stephen brings a multitude of talents to the congregation. He has engaged us via piano, guitar, original compositions, with vocals and incorporates a wide breadth of musical offerings. He is a life-long musician. Steven was schooled in classical music at the University of Buffalo and is a music educator who retired from the Montauk Public School and, currently, teaches part-time at the Ross School.
Religious Educator: Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson – Building Bridges Curriculum 3:30-5:00
Childcare is also available every Sunday during service.
Administrator: Kelly Glanz
Board of Trustees
Board Members are elected by the congregation at the June annual meeting. Members serve a 3 year-term. They can serve up to two terms or six years.
Martha Potter – President
Patience Halsey-Sherman – Vice President
Ingrid Krinke – Treasurer
Katie Legare – Secretary
Sara Gordon – Trustee
President’s WELCOME – Martha Potter
Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork. Our community is made up of members and friends who are from many different religious backgrounds. We worship together, each in our own way. We are guided by principles not dogma. We welcome all and honor each individual’s search for truth and meaning.
My spiritual journey was not governed by one set of religious principles. My parents were secular Jews and as a child, I attended a Shula set up by the Workmen’s Circle to learn the Yiddish language, history, and culture.
When my husband and I moved to the East End in 2006, we were looking for a community whose values reflected our own beliefs in social justice and freedom of thought. We were impressed by the diversity of services and the commitment to each individual’s search for truth and meaning.
I have tried to take an active role in this community for the last 16 year and am honored to be the President of the Board of Trustees of this congregation.