A Shared Ministry
The UUCSF has a called minister, the Reverend Kimberly Quinn Johnson. She is our spiritual leader. However, a shared ministry highlights that we all have many roles to play in making the UUCSF a vibrant congregation and a vital force for our community. Ministry is no longer an act provided only by those who are ordained or called to serve. Ministry happens wherever individuals embrace the belief that their good works, their volunteerism, their acts, can help serve the mission of their congregation. We are all connected and no longer “just a volunteer” performing a task. We understand that ministry is something shared by all who are part of our spiritual community and a way to put faith into action.
A shared ministry is easily seen in our governance with our five groups responsible for the running of the Meetinghouse as well as the breadth of congregational life. Our Minister is part of the process but not the driver of it.
Shared worship is a hallmark of our faith and our congregation. Rev Kimberly Quinn Johnson leads our worship roughly half of our Sundays. The other services are lay led. Our Worship Committee takes the lead in providing a diverse menu of guest speakers, member inspired content and current issues of local and global importance. Although our Sunday services have a definite format and a consistent rhythm, our messages, inspirations and challenges are quite varied. We always hope visitors will come several Sunday to experience the richness of our offerings.