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Exploration of Sabbath

May 26, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

What new thing have you discovered about yourself and your family this week?

If you are anything like me, you may be growing weary of being asked: How are you doing? I am asked that question at least three times a day, and I have run out of responses. Sometimes I’m busy. Sometimes I’m bored. Sometimes I just don’t know how I am. Most times, I’m just fine. But I suspect that the folks who ask the question want something more interesting than fine.

Yet, despite my own resistance, I’ll admit: I find myself guilty of asking the question: How are you doing, at least five times a day! More than a status report, I want to create space for you to take a breath and to check in with your body and your spirit. I want you to know that I care about you. I want to connect with the occurrences—from the remarkable to the mundane—of your daily life. I want you to feel free to talk about whatever is on your mind or on your heart.

So, I have been challenging myself to ask something more imaginative than: How are you doing?

What new thing have you discovered about yourself and your family this week or this month? This week, I finally replaced the broken aerator on my kitchen faucet. It is making a huge difference.

This month, we are exploring the theme: Sabbath. As we continue to practice physical distancing by isolating in our homes, this is a fitting time to explore Sabbath. How can we approach this time with a spirit of reverence? What new things can we discover during this imposed period of rest?

Venue: Zoom – tablet and smartphone
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,926428558#
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 926 428 558 Password: 11932

To help us all remain connected, regardless of proficiency with technology, our team of volunteer care callers is ensuring that everyone in the congregation gets a periodic phone call. Additionally, we have been building a roster of online programming. Currently, our schedule includes an option six days each week. Check your e-bulletin for information on how to connect to each of these events (or click the links below to add to your calendar)

Monday, 11:00am Solo-Living Group (NEW)
Tuesday, 2:00pm Theme discussion (1st and Last Tuesday)
Wednesday, Noon Hump Day Hang Out
Thursday, 10:00am Inspiration (NEW)
Friday, 6:00pm Online Happy Hour
Sunday, 10:30am Live Online Worship

I hope you will find something among those choices to spark your interest. And I hope you will have a rich exploration of Sabbath this month.

Rev. Kimberly


May 26, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike
Bridgehampton, NY 11932 United States
+ Google Map