Living Our Values
- UU The Vote: The “UU the Vote” campaign is an effort to constructively engage in the 2020 election process. UU values are under attack. There are a multitude of issues that challenge our UU beliefs, including the inherent worth/dignity of every person, compassion in human relations, the democratic process, voter repression, climate change, reproductive choice and income inequality. UU the Vote is about integrating electoral engagement into our strategies for change so that we are advancing our vision of a just world and beloved community in every arena available to us. UUs are a faith community and our values count. Our voice should be heard. We can stand with other UUs in seeking a better country.

- Census 2020: The decennial counting of every US resident is of upmost importance. The 2020 Census will help determine how billions of federal dollars flow into local communities, shaping spending for 132 programs across all aspects of life. The tally impacts representation in government in the allotment of seats in Congress and NY State legislatures. Although responses to the Census questionnaire are confidential, many questions and fears remain. We are working to increase awareness and urge vulnerable groups to respond. The Census 2020 is a crucial way to make sure our voices are heard and our local needs are met.
- Philosens: Weekly Vigil (Postponed due to COVID-19)
Philosens Vigil takes place Fridays, 6-7pm. @ Sag Harbor Windmill
This gathering comes out of a desire to resist the dehumanization and disconnection of our time and to show up for community, social justice, and liberation. We will light candles, stand together in silence and walk through town.
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby: The Citizen’s Climate Lobby works to build the political will to find the climate solutions we all need. It empowers local citizens to spread the word of how positive environmental actions ensure a healthy future and strengthen our economy. The group stands for solutions and works to find common values and build consensus to impact local and federal climate actions.
- In our Community: Members of the UUCSF are active across multiple local community organizations, ranging from the League of Women Voters to the Bridgehampton Child Care and Recreational Center. Several organizations reflect efforts to aid our more vulnerable neighbors. Ties with the Shinnecock Nation have broadened over time as they participate in our services and provide unique insights on local problems. OLA (Organizacion Latino Americana of Eastern LI) is playing a huge role in raising awareness of issues and challenges facing the Latinx population as well as providing needed services. Finally, Progressive East End Reformers is an influential East End group committed to advocating for social, racial, environmental and economic justice.