Rev. Kimberly will be taking a sabbatical February – May 2022
What is a sabbatical, and why?
First of all, a sabbatical is not a vacation.
Traditionally, in religious and academic organizations, the need was seen for ministers and professors to have a periodic, extended opportunity to learn new things relevant to their responsibilities, to reorient their ideas in the light of experience, and to do a creative and useful project that is different from their usual duties but which complements and enlarges their capabilities when they return.
The word sabbatical comes from the same root as Sabbath. Rather than once every seven days, it traditionally came once every seven years. The Unitarian Universalist Association supports the idea that UU ministers should have this opportunity and encourages UU congregations to back it financially by continuing the minister’s remuneration during the sabbatical period. Our congregation has recognized this by putting the right to sabbatical leave into Rev. Kimberly’s contract at the rate of one month for each year of service-–with an expectation that she will take a sabbatical every 5-7 years.
Rev. Kimberly will be going on sabbatical leave for four months in 2022: February, March, April, and May. (And another four months in 2023). For the 2022 sabbatical, we have formed a sabbatical team of congregational leaders which is charged with planning for our continuing operations during Rev. Kimberly’s absence. This group has been meeting over the past several months to make sure that we as a congregation are able to maintain our essential activities and continue our spiritual growth over these four months.
What to Expect and Whom to Contact:
(click the name below for contact information)
- Worship – Sue Penny During sabbatical, Sunday worship will continue as usual. You can expect a number of guest speakers, including several ministers who are serving on Long Island. You can also expect that we will have more than the usual amount of worship services led by members and friends of the congregation. This will be a great way for us to get to know each other a little better.
- Pastoral Emergencies – Pamela Wittenberg During the sabbatical, we will be able to call on some of the other UU ministers serving on Long Island to help out if we have a pastoral emergency. If you (or someone you know in the congregation) are in need of spiritual support, Pamela Wittenberg will be able to help get you the support that you need. If you need emergency financial help, Pam will be able to help you access the minister’s discretionary fund – set up to help individuals in emergencies
- E-bulletin, Website, and Announcements – Kelly Glanz As always, if you have announcements that you would like to share with the congregation, please get them to Kelly by Tuesday of the week that you would like them to be announced. If you have questions about the website or the e-bulletin, address those to Kelly, and she can help get you to the answers.
- Building and Grounds – Gerry Boyer and Ingrid Krinke Our meetinghouse is often a sought-after location for community gatherings. If you have questions about the use of the space, including rentals or scheduling meetings, contact Ingrid Krinke. If you have questions about the maintenance or upkeep of the building or grounds (including the garden) contact Gerry Boyer.
- Public Witness – Linda Engbrenghof We are occasionally called upon to lend our voice and support to social and community issues (climate justice, racial justice, immigration, housing, …). During the sabbatical, when our unique liberal religious voice is needed, Linda will help to identify the appropriate person to speak on behalf of the congregation.
- General Questions – Linda Engbrenghof
During the sabbatical, our sabbatical team will continue to meet monthly. If you have a question or concern and are not sure where to direct it, Linda Engbrenghof can help address your concerns.
We have tried to anticipate your questions and concerns, but we may have missed something. If you have any questions or concerns about the sabbatical, please reach out to a member of the sabbatical team.
Sabbatical Team:
- John Andrews, Finance, Care & Connection, Adult Programs –
- Gerald Boyer: Building and Grounds –
- Linda Engbrenghof: Board of Trustees President, LIAC delegate –
- Kathy Engel: Board of Trustees, Social Justice –
- Kelly Glanz: Administrator, Bookkeeper –
- Patience Halsey-Sherman: Board of Trustees –
- Carolyn Holstein: Care & Connection –
- Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson: minister –
- Sue Penny: Worship –
- Martha Potter: Committee on Shared Ministry –