Sometimes I am asked what drew me to Unitarian Universalism and what keeps me engaged to the UUCSF. That is easy to answer. Unitarian Universalism is where we raised our children to respect all religions and to value differences. It is within this faith that I have put together communal meals, gathered for a UU-style Seder during Passover and been part of children’s Religious Exploration classes. It is where I was pushed to expand my views on social issues, such as race and class, and to take action. The congregation has provided the opportunity to be a good neighbor, stocking our UUCSF Free Pantry and coordinating the Helping Hand Fund. It is the place that continues to challenge me to grow as a person and as part of a community with my congregation and the greater world.
Carolyn Holstein, May 2020
My wife and I initially joined the UUs so that we could adopt a religious identity for our unborn children. Our kids came along according to plan, and we were participating in the RE program for the 13 years it took to educate our kids through to Coming of Age. Our daughter made her closest UU friends at Sophia Fahs sleep-away camp, which for decades was on Shelter Island. Our son liked the Coming of Age group that we put together right here in our meetinghouse. I think we have the nicest kids in our program now than we ever have had during all those 27 years, and I am glad to support the RE program financially and with my time on Sundays. At this troubled time in the history of our planet, I think I need our UU congregation more than ever.
Carl Wittenberg, June 2020