HICO Overview
High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) was proposed by the UUCSF Board of Trustees and approved by the congregation in late 2019. It is a long-term program to fund projects that can make a difference in our local communities and develop connections between the congregation and grantees.
FOCUS 2024
Thank you for your interest in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South
Fork’s (UUCSF) High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) program. Each grant cycle is unique as we select different areas of focus highlighting specific needs in our community. We ask that all applicants ensure that their projects align with at least one of those needs.
This is the fifth year of the HICO program. Our focus tries to address the changing needs of our East End community. This year we are shifting from concentrating on the basics to addressing unmet demands of several constituencies. We are cognizant of the pressure on social services by a growing population and recognize that some individuals/groups are being left behind. HICO continues to be a resource to help cope with the challenges/hardships our neighbors are encountering.
Please see our 2024 priorities below. We look forward to learning about
your project!
– Support for New Entrants to our community
– Access to Health Care, including mental health services
– Eldercare addressing loneliness, isolation, health and safety
– Promote engaging with our History, Cultural Heritage or Democratic Process
Important information for submitting your application:
Sixth Grant Cycle: Begins TBA
Deadline: Applications Accepted Through TBA
Decision: Communicated: TBA
Submit Application via Mail and electronically:
PDF-fillable application should be downloaded from the website and filled out completely
Send 2 Hard copies of the completed application to:
c/o David Holstein
13 Stuart Court
Hampton Bays, NY 11946
An electronic copy should also be sent to: PAC@uucsf.org
Please Note:
- Please complete the application as best you can.
- Only one grant per applicant every 12 months
- All narrative pages should be typed using a minimum of 12 pt. font, single spaced on 8 ½ x 11 paper
- Submit any questions or comments to PAC@uucsf.org
Paul Berman Tribute
Paul Berman was a long time member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork (UUCSF). Our High Impact Community Outreach program is a direct result of Paul’s generous bequest to the congregation. The UUCSF is extremely grateful for the opportunity and responsibility he has charged us with. Paul’s legacy will live on via the funding of projects and organizations that will enhance the lives of people living in our community.
Paul grew up in Brooklyn in a Jewish/Italian neighborhood during the Depression era. He made his living in the lumber industry. He was frugal and hated the idea of being in debt and paying interest to banks. He was responsible for initiating the “Spend Down the Mortgage Program” at the UUCSF. He spearheaded, cajoled, contributed generously and argued passionately to pay-off the Meetinghouse’s mortgage. Paul was successful in his quest. What a blessing he gave the congregation so many years ago.
Paul was a character. He was a private man and a bit eccentric. He attended services in the summer. He generally arrived late with a mischievous, yet inviting smile. He sported a ponytail and had his own style. Paul was very kind and always quick to tell a story. Paul regularly lit a candle at services. His diatribes would often be politically based and were filled with special humor. He always ended with the words: “This is my religious home”.
The congregation is very proud that Paul could find a safe place to express himself and make a difference. We will continue to make a difference in our community with the funds he has entrusted us with.

Proposal Assessment Committee
The Proposal Assessment Committee (PAC) was charged by the Board of Trustees to administer the HICO program. Currently, there are 4 members of the PAC. PAC’s participants must be members of the UUCSF. PAC members serve a one-year term that ends in January. PAC members can extend their tenure reflecting their interest, availability and the Board’s approval. The Board, in selecting the PAC, identified a diverse group of individuals with varying skills, significant interest and connections to non-profit agencies.
PAC Members in 2024:
Michael Daly
David Holstein
Celia Josephson
Lora Tucker
The 2024 HICO grants were awarded in July. The Proposal Assessment Committee
(PAC) reviewed 20 applications with requests totaling over $240,000. Our annual
Focus shifted away from basic needs to reflect the pressure on social services
caused by a growing population and a recognition that some groups are being left
behind. The specific needs targeted were for new entrants to our community, the
elderly, health care and local cultural institutions. The UUCSF awarded seven grants
totaling $55,000.
The award recipients and a short description of their projects follow:
Community Action Southold Town (CAST)
CAST provides a safety net and promotes self-sufficiency for those in need on the
North Fork and Shelter Island. “New Neighbors: New Immigrant Resources &
Connection Program” aims to welcome vulnerable new entrants to the East End
with the resources and information to thrive in their new home country. Interviews
and a welcome package are the starting point. Services provided fall into three
priorities – food security and nutrition, client support services and advocacy,
education and outreach. CAST has a bilingual client services team of new
immigrants who are personal guides to all the resources available to newcomers
including ESL classes, food relief, job support and school registration.
Children’s Museum of the East End (CMEE)
CMEE works to spark the imagination and foster learning for children of all
backgrounds and abilities. CMEE’s “Companions on the Journey” will be a reading,
writing and discussion group for men. This program follows on the heels of a very
successful offering for mothers along similar lines. CMEE identified that fathers
want to be included in their families’ interactions with schools, children and
community aside from being a breadwinner. As a group, fathers have been slower
to pick-up English and feel isolated because of work demands. The program will
help men with parenting skills, self-worth, isolation, engagement in community and
Centro Corazon de Maria (CCDM)
CCDM is a place of welcome and hope for the underserved immigrants in our
community. The focus is to provide education, assistance and advocacy, thereby
building capacity for these women to succeed and thrive. The most pressing issue
facing new arrivals is their inability to communicate in English. CCDM has found
that the new arrivals are better educated than in the past, which provides an
opportunity to update/revise the program. This effort begins with new computers
that can load updated learning tools and workbooks. This effort will allow for
greater flexibility for clients – night classes and independent study – and much
improved outcomes.
Hope & Resilience Long Island (HARLI)
HARLI’s mission is to offer services to help those who are suffering move forward,
becoming more hopeful for their futures. HARLI provides legal advocacy, police
and court accompaniment, lawyer and counselor referrals and case management.
The prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault continues to be a
significant issue in our community. Victims often face profound emotional and
psychological trauma. Access to timely and culturally competent counseling
services is crucial for the recovery and well-being of these survivors. HARLI is
addressing the critical shortage of mental health professionals by contracting with
private therapists to effectively assist survivors.
Eastville Community Historical Society
Eastville preserves the history and disseminates information about one of the
earliest known working-class communities composed of African Americans, Native
Americans and European immigrants. Eastville’s historic building, the Heritage
House Museum, needs a new roof. The house is a landmark and part of the Sag
Harbor Historic District. The renovation will allow the Museum to again open its
doors making space available for viewing the collection as well as being a
community gathering spot. The space serves underrepresented people, artists,
writers and those interested in the community’s history and the people who lived
Inspirational Triathlon Racing Int’l (i-tri)
i-tri creates an inclusive community-based program that fosters self-respect,
personal empowerment, self-confidence, positive body image and healthy lifestyle
for adolescent girls and non-binary youth. i-tri trains young people physically,
mentally and emotionally to complete a youth distance triathlon. i-tri’s enrollment
across its 13 partner schools has increased by 20% to 240 participants both
revealing the great need for the program and its success. Increased demand, in
part, reflects bilingual trauma informed programming at Springs School as 24 of the
26 participants are English Language Learners. i-tri is expanding its Bilingual
Program capabilities. The benefit to middle schoolers is multi-dimensional and
being able to provide safe supportive spaces to new entrants across key
communities is essential.
The Butterfly Effect Project (BEP)
The Butterfly Effect Project’s mission is to empower young girls by eliminating
barriers. BEP creates safe spaces for youth to succeed, empowering them through
development of critical thinking, healthy relationships, confidence and self and
community care. BEP is sponsoring an intergenerational technology program that
will benefit two of the most vulnerable populations in our community – seniors and
youth. Not only will it address the elderly’s lack of access to technology and the
inability to navigate it, but the program will also address the issue of isolation
among our seniors. Older Butterflies (13–18-year-olds) will take a brief training
program and then will teach our elders. Monthly training sessions will expose
seniors to many aspects of the internet such as email, sending photos, social
media, searches, music, podcasts, Banking on-line, PayPal, etc.
The 2023 HICO grants were awarded in late June/early July. The Proposal Assessment Committee (PAC) reviewed 13 applications with requests totaling $134,100. The 2023 Focus shifted to reflect the uncertain economic environment and the impact of the sharp rise in inflation in food and housing. We want to be a resource for East Enders dealing with hardships across several areas. The PAC awarded eight grants of $5,000 for a total outlay of $40,000. The award recipients and a short description of their projects follow:
Heart of the Hamptons (HOH)
Heart of the Hamptons is the largest food pantry in the area. The extent of food insecurity and the growth in demand is at crisis proportions. In 2019, HOH supplied 67,000 meals worth of food. Last year, the number was 227,000. This Spring featured the busiest months in their 43-year history. They welcomed 350 new families in 6 months. HOH is servicing over 2,100 households (6,100 people) with most clients of South American descent. The Pantry distributes 3 large bags of groceries each week – 50 lbs and over $150 worth of groceries per family. HOH is clearly sensitive to their client’s needs. They provide more food during the summer months, recognizing free school meals are not available.
Springs Food Pantry
The Springs Food Pantry is meeting the needs of residents who are suffering from huge price increases for food and housing. Seasonal workers as well as lower wage earners are struggling to make ends meet. The reduction in SNAP benefits is putting additional pressure on households. Demand has skyrocketed since the pandemic and the pantry is providing food to cover 275 families (1,000 people) a week. The pantry is looking to expand its food allotment from three to four days. They also face the challenge of providing children’s meals as the Springs School does not have a lunch program. This is a small community that is trying to take care of itself. The goal is to make sure no one goes hungry.
Organization: Southampton Day Care Center
The Southampton Day Care Center operates in a Child Care Desert. There are three times as many children as licensed childcare slots. Childcare allows parents to work. It is part of our infrastructure. The Southampton Center is local, with personnel graduates of our South Fork High Schools and Suffolk Colleges. The below market tuition and the numerous scholarships largely depend upon generosity and grants. Affordable daycare is part of our focus on necessities.
Organization: Hope & Resilience Long Island (HARLI)
HARLI is focusing on the need for safe housing. Domestic and sexual violence is a leading cause of homelessness for women and children and the most pressing concern for survivors. Victims of domestic abuse face considerable obstacles to changing environment including financial dependence, limitations/rules of shelters and trauma. Safe housing programs provide services for survivors and are often the key component of their finding safety and stability. Currently, HARLI’s clients are primarily Latina women with children. HARLI’s grant will enable clients to enter safe housing or stay at home after an abuser has been removed due to a Stay Away Order of Protection.
Riverhead Shelter Volunteer Program
The Riverhead Shelter Volunteer Program is expanding their assistance to residents of the Shinnecock Nation in caring for their dogs. The primary goal of their efforts is Humane Education. They will provide the basic needs of food, shelter, vet care, etc. The larger efforts will be providing the tools needed to create a bonding and loving relationship between dog and owner through their training program. The hope is that both humans and canines will benefit and be enriched by the experience.
OLA of Eastern Long Island
The East End immigration community has little to no access to immigration services. Resources in Western Long Island are not readily available because of transportation challenges, lack of availability and prohibitive costs. These circumstances and barriers leave too many East End immigrants vulnerable and unable to fully participate in civic life. OLA is launching an immigration services program. They have hired an experienced, highly recommended Latinx
immigration attorney. An on-staff attorney will allow OLA to provide free immigration services to low-income documented and undocumented individuals. OLA received one of only four grants from the Further Justice Foundation that covers costs associated with the attorney. HICO funds will be used to help offset the additional costs of providing these services such as application fees, filing fees as well as supporting the attorney’s public presentation on immigrants’ rights and the program’s efforts.
Bridgehampton Child Care and Recreational Center
The Bridgehampton Child Care and Recreational Center applied for support for two impactful programs that reach out to the community and influence our youth. The “Thinking Forward Lecture Series” brings to the East End prominent individuals to help us come together and educate, inspire, and open hearts and minds. The Center believes that getting to know each other, learning about different cultures and coming together breeds understanding. The more we learn, the more we can appreciate each other and our differences. The second program is an “After School Poetry Initiative”. Poetry and Art are portals for deeper self-learning and community engagement. Bringing in visiting artists and writers exposes students to important ideas and visions that align with the Center’s mission.
Maureen’s Haven
In the post COVID environment, Maureen’s Haven has been challenged by sharply rising costs due to inflation, higher costs associated with COVID related changes, growth in the number of homeless and clients’ need for an expanding range of services. The lack of available housing is causing more individuals to seek help. Demands on transportation services have grown. The Winter Emergency Housing Program has more clients and added shelters. Meeting client needs means transportation to health care appointments, job/housing interviews. The same could be said for demands on staff as they function as innkeepers, social workers and client advocates. Maureen’s Haven continues to provide services to those who are currently homeless as well as those facing homelessness or struggling to remain in secure housing. The UUCSF has been a long-time partner with Maureen’s Haven.
2022 HICO Awards
The 2022 HICO grants were awarded in late June/early July. The Proposal Assessment Committee (PAC) reviewed 13 applications with requests totaling $139,300. The 2022 Focus shifted slightly to reach out and empower the more marginalized populations of the East End. It also recognized the continued dislocations generated by COVID which need support. The PAC awarded seven grants ranging from $5,000 to $8,100 for a total outlay of $44,000. The award recipients and a short description of their projects follow:
The Butterfly Effect Project (BEP)
BEP has launched its Butterfly Action Group (BAG) to guide young adults in generating impactful changes in their schools and communities by bridging gaps, removing barriers, and understanding how government/democracy works. BAG chapters learn to discuss divisive topics such as race, inclusion, prejudices and discrimination with peers. The goal is to create a “Code of Conduct” for their respective High Schools. Ideally, BAG becomes a forum for students to discuss issues such as offensive behaviors, bullying, misunderstandings resolving them together, rather than resorting to social networks, fighting or via disciplinary actions. A Youth Administer will guide the process with the cooperation of teachers and administrators of three High Schools – Riverhead, Southold and Southampton.
Children’s Museum of the East End (CMEE)
CMEE will restore and support reading fluency in bilingual children K-6 grade. The pandemic has severely impacted these children. Staff has observed steep declines in reading fluency and comprehension. The regression of students’ reading, learning and behavioral skills as well as greater inhibitions and a loss of curiosity threaten their long-term educational achievements. CMEE will expand its summer reading program and recruit additional students in partnership with OLA. Funds will support an 8-week summer course with mentors trained for basic reading skills and help with emotional needs and anxiety management. Supplies will be free.
Community Action Southold Town (CAST)
Name Change: Center for Advocacy, Support, Transformation (CAST)
CAST created the North Fork Culinary Program for High School Students not going to college. The goal is to provide needed skills in the Hospitality industry so that their graduates enter better paying jobs/careers with experience, internships, connections, knowledge and skills. CAST’s 12-week, 50-hour course is offered in English and Spanish providing essential job-readiness skills. Program volunteers include chefs, hotel owners, vintners, bakers, aqua culturists, administrative support, etc. Instruction is geared to hands-on experience preparing participants for the real world. The course also works on the soft skills of employment – resume writing, interviewing, interpersonal communication and time management.
Inspirational Triathlon Racing Int’l (i-tri)
i-tri recognizes that the COVID pandemic is having a significant impact on young adolescent girls. The grant will address the girls’ psychological needs. i-tri is working to create a “culture of trauma care and coaching” which will be practiced in the program and integrated into their curriculum. The funding will facilitate professional development and training for all their personnel via an outside consultant – Center for Healing & Justice through Sport. i-tri’s target audience is particularly vulnerable to negative mental health consequences of the pandemic – depression, anxiety and failure to thrive. The project supports: 1) i-tri leadership training on trauma care, 2) i-tri small group training to gain feedback and support for trainers and 3) Integration of learnings into their curriculum for the future.
NY LGBT Network
Bullying, harassment and unsafe environments are a constant challenge for LGBTQ students. This violence leads to negative outcomes as students are more likely to miss school, have lower GPAs, do not pursue college degrees, have lower self-esteem and are a suicide risk. The Network is working to create safe spaces. Schools with Gay Straight Alliance/Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) clubs have reported success in generating a greater sense of belonging to their community and reduced bullying/harassment. NY LGBT Network will bring it’s Safe School Initiative and Anti-Bullying/LGBT 101 to East End schools. Aside from increasing knowledge and awareness in the general school population, the program is expected to empower and build leadership capabilities among LGBT youth. GSA clubs are expected to be formed in six schools.
SEPA Mujer Inc.
SEPA will bring its “Latina Works” project to their Hampton Bays and Riverhead chapters. Latina Works strives to get equal access to job opportunities and job satisfaction. Education starts with an awareness of worker’s rights. Enhanced knowledge of one’s rights empowers Latinas to advocate for themselves against discrimination and exploitation. Common workplace occurrences that are tackled are: combatting wage theft, understatement of hours work, unpaid sick time, racist comments, threat of deportation, unsafe working conditions and not being allowed to apply for higher pay. Lastly, those most vulnerable are targets of sexual harassment. SEPA will run their “Know Your Rights and Sexual Harassment Remedies” workshops in Spanish twice a month in Hampton Bays and Riverhead. Additionally, SEPA provides access to job search skill classes to access opportunities and can provide referrals to Suffolk County Department of Labor.
Sound Justice Initiative (SJI)
Justice-involved individuals have a history of being educationally shortchanged. Even a short stay in jail has adverse consequences on future success. SJI fills a void in rehabilitation. Jail terms are for shorter terms (typically under a year) so there are fewer opportunities for education and/or training. Jails are often a gateway to deeper and more lasting involvement with the criminal justice system. SJI is providing liberal arts as well as employment and financial skills courses to individuals in Suffolk County jails. They are breaking courses down into 5- and 15-week segments geared to jail times. SJI is offering individual counseling and programs designed to produce certificates of accomplishments and references. A more welcoming “classroom” and a more mature student can facilitate education success for individuals left behind by public schools.
The 2021 HICO grant cycle ran from April through the end of July 2020. The Proposal Assessment Committee (PAC) reviewed 8 applications with requests totaling $73,200. The 2021 Focus shifted from the immediate dislocations generated by COVID to the populations and needs that have been underserved, excluded and require support. The PAC awarded 5 grants ranging from $5,000 to $7,000 for a total outlay of $31,000. The award recipients and a short description of their projects follow:
Centro Corazon de Maria (CCDM)
CCDM recognizes the importance of high-quality early education as well as the role of the parent as the child’s first teacher. They created the program “Madres Protagonistas” (Mothers as Protagonists) last year. The program addresses the loneliness and isolation of being a single undocumented parent on the East End. The program provides a stipend to 15 women over the winter months when work is harder to find. The women’s “job” is to attend parenting skill building classes as well as a program for their children. Mothers engage in literacy and cognitive skill building activities with the program’s goal to improve access of these children to high quality preschool experiences in the future. The camaraderie of the participants as well as the identification of early developmental issues in children are important unanticipated benefits of the program.
Hampton Community Outreach (formerly Hamptons Art Camp)
The mental health challenges experienced by young adults post pandemic remains considerable. There is a scarcity of resources to counsel and treat adolescents as well as a lack of funds to pay for these services. Hampton Community Outreach has designed a “Youth Mental Health” program that begins with empathy and builds toward a lasting set of behavioral tools. With local school partners they will establish a series of support groups for teenagers and pre-teens to develop positive coping skills, identifying unproductive thought patterns and alleviating isolation. Well qualified bilingual and culturally competent therapists have been identified to support up to 5 weekly support groups through the 2021-22 school year.
Maureen’s Haven
COVID has been particularly challenging for the homeless. Maureen’s Haven has realigned many services to better meet the needs of the population. To get their clients vaccinated, Maureen’s Haven has provided information, education and transportation. For example, vaccination for the Latino community is being supported by evening/weekend hours at vaccination sites. Access to medical care is improving with Maureen’s Haven’s ability to transport plus cooperation with local health care providers. Finally, a “Summer Weekend Lunch Program” was launched as a lack of meals continues despite the pandemic’s impact diminishing. This grant largely supports the sharp increase in transportation costs that generate positive outcomes of increased vaccinations, health care access and food insecurity.
Southampton African American Museum (SAAM)
SAAM’s objective/goal is to create a “Three Themed Program” educational tool. The themes are: 1) The Great Migration History, 2) History of the Black Barbershop/Beauty Parlor, 3) The Extraordinary History of Pyrrhus Concer. SAAM has partnered with many resources including Stony Brook University to expand research. This grant will help bring a high-tech approach to communicating research/exhibits to the Hamptons. Creating a more tech savvy personal experience will encourage young people to embrace their history and the contribution of Blacks and people of color to our community.
The Retreat
The Retreat has put together a program to nurture children’s (3–8 year-olds) minds in these turbulent times. The prevention education team created “Getting Along Story Time”. It initially targeted loneliness and isolation but has expanded to address the critical issues of the value of each individual and the beauty of differences, inclusion and equality. It celebrates diversity, compassion the importance of developing healthy interpersonal relationships. The live program uses stories, song and art to convey these powerful messages. The Retreat will partner with several well-known childcare providers to deliver 20-25 sessions over the year.
The inaugural HICO grant cycle ran from mid-June through the end of September 2020. The Proposal Assessment Committee (PAC) reviewed 15 applications with requests totaling $330,100. The PAC awarded 7 grants ranging from $5,000 to $7,000 for a total outlay of $41,175. The award recipients and a short description of their projects follow:
Organization: Butterfly Effect Project
The Butterfly Effect Project is constructing a Community Garden on the grounds of the First Baptist Church in Riverhead. In nurturing a working garden, the project encourages food self-sufficiency, skills in gardening, food preparation and nutrition. They are engaging a racially mixed group of young people and their families by creating a safe place where the community can come together. The overarching goal is to change the dietary choices made by low income families leading to healthier lifestyles.
Organization: East End Birth Network
East End infant mortality rates are some of the highest in NY State. High mortality rates reflect our profit driven health care system, systemic prejudices and a scarcity of services. There are significant obstacles to obtaining care. The project is a mobile pop-up parent and baby pantry. The service will mirror a food pantry model with donated baby and maternity items being recycled to underserved prospective and new parents. “Bundles” for parents will include educational materials and small comfort items to assist through the various stages of becoming a new parent. The pop-ups will bring resources to minority groups who are disproportionally affected and most at risk. It will support year-round families as they transition through the vulnerable stages of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and early childhood.
Organization: East End Food Institute
The East End Food Institute’s Farm to Community program brings together local food producers and community members in need of healthy food options. The project supports local farmers by purchasing surplus produce. Locally grown fruits and vegetables will be processed and frozen in their kitchen on the Stony Brook Southampton campus. The goal is to provide 25 families from the Shinnecock Nation with 5 pounds of frozen packaged food per week for 10 weeks. Healthy recipes will be provided to extend the nutritional impact. This is a joint project between the Padoquohan Medicine Lodge and the East End Food Institute.
Organization: East Hampton Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels (MOW) delivers two meals per day to residents of East Hampton who are homebound due to illness, injury and/or the pandemic. Since the start of COVID, MOW has doubled the number of clients served. As winter approaches, this number will no doubt continue to grow. In funding this project, we will be enhancing food security, reducing the loneliness and isolation of seniors and supporting local businesses that supply the meals.
Organization: OLA of Eastern Long Island
OLA works to create a more equitable East End for Latino immigrants. OLA will partner with organizations, such as schools, non-profits and houses of worship, to create a more expansive and streamlined referral system for mental health services on the East End for Latinx youth. This will include a thorough intake and screening process and will help match clients with timely and needed support. In-person and telemedicine appointments will be made available. This project aims to connect people with the services they need, foster mental health in our community, and decrease the marginalization of the Latinx immigrant population.
Organization: Padoquohan Medicine Lodge
Many homes of the Shinnecock Nation’s seniors have become health hazards due to issues of mold, non-functioning cesspools, poor insulation and persistent leaks. Further, COVID has left many of the Shinnecock Nation’s essential workers without affordable housing. The grant will fund direly needed repairs for elders. It will start with stabilizing and pumping overworked cesspools and move into providing materials and labor for the most pressing housing needs. Providing Shinnecock seniors and essential workers with safe, clean and healthy homes is a human right allowing them to live with dignity.
Organization: Shinnecock Indian Nation
The Shinnecock Nation has a significant number of homes without internet or computers. COVID has made internet connectivity essential. The grant facilitates the purchase of computers, modems, Wi-Fi access and technical assistance for selected elders. This will reduce the isolation of a vulnerable group. It will ensure that elders can remain connected with tribal activities, local government, faith communities, telemedicine and social welfare assistance programs.
High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) Board Reports:
HICO 2024: Our 5th Grant Cycle Review
Submitted to the Board 7/6/2024
Click Here to review the report
HICO 2023: Our 4th Grant Cycle Review
Submitted to the Board 6/25/2023
Click Here to review the report
HICO 2022: Our 3rd Grant Cycle Review
Submitted to the Board 6/25/2022
Click Here to review the report
HICO 2021: Our 2nd Grant Cycle Review
Submitted to the Board 7/15/2021
Click Here to review the report
HICO 2020: Our 1st Grant Cycle Review
Submitted to the Board 9/27/2020
Click Here to review the report
Board Request for Additional HICO Funding
Submitted to the Board 1/4/2022
Click Here to review the report
Press Releases
Bridgehampton, NY, July 17, 2024….There are so many challenges and so many tremendous
groups working to make our East End a better place to live for all. The Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of the South Fork (UUCSF) continues to try to assist local non-profits make a
difference. Its High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) program awarded seven
organizations grants of over $50,000 for 2024. Each of the 20 proposals received had
tremendous merit and showcased the creativity and dedication of those involved. We only
wish we could have funded every project. Our 2024 focus shifted away from the basics of food
and shelter to reflect several areas of great need including: new entrants to our community, the
elderly, health care and our local cultural institutions. We are honored to announce the seven
institutions that will receive this year’s grants:
– Community Action Southold Town (CAST)
– Centro Corazon de Maria
– Children’s Museum of the East End (CMEE)
– Eastville Community Historical Society
– Hope and Resilience LI (HARLI)
– Inspirational Triathlon Racing International (i-tri)
– The Butterfly Effect Project
It is our hope that the UUCSF will continue to be in partnership with these institutions for the
longer term. Over the past five years, HICO has made 35 grants to 26 organizations totaling
over $200,000.
A full description of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork’s HICO program
and each of the funded projects can be found at our website https://uucsf.org/hico-overview/.
Donations to expand our program are accepted via a dropdown memo on the congregation’s
Donate tab.
Bridgehampton, NY March 13, 2024… The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork (UUCSF), under the leadership of Reverend Kimberly Quinn Johnson, continues to be a vibrant supporter of local non-profits and community organizations.
The High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) program targets local nonprofit groups, grassroots organizations, and national organizations with East End offices. Over the last four years, HICO awarded $156,000 to 25 outstanding Long Island nonprofits. HICO provides financial assistance to institutions residing in or servicing any of the five Eastern Townships — East Hampton, Southampton, Shelter Island, Riverhead and Southold — and the Shinnecock Nation.
The HICO Committee includes UUCSF Members:
David Holstein, retired economist from Hampton Bays,
Lora Tucker, social worker and community advocate from Sag Harbor,
Celia Josephson, bi-lingual East Hampton attorney,
Michael Daly of North Haven and former President of the UUCSF Board of Trustees, who joined the committee in 2024.
The UUCSF High Impact Community Outreach grant cycle for 2024 is open and the application deadline is May 1st. Awards are expected to be announced in July 2024.
We are cognizant of the pressure on social services by a growing population and recognize that some individuals and groups are being left behind. HICO continues to be a resource to help cope with the challenges and hardships our neighbors are encountering.
HICO’s 2024 Focus is targeting specific needs:
– Support for New Entrants to our community
– Access to Health Care, including mental health services
– Eldercare addressing loneliness, isolation, health and safety
– Promote engaging with our History, Cultural Heritage or Democratic process
To apply for a HICO grant please visit https://uucsf.org/hico-overview/. Applications are available on the website and should be submitted electronically and via mail. Questions can be directed to pac@uucsf.org or call (631) 537-0132.
The HICO program is made possible by the generous bequest of UUCSF member, Paul Berman.
Bridgehampton, NY, July 7, 2023….There are so many challenges and so many great groups
working to make our East End a better place to live for all. The Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of the South Fork (UUCSF) continues to try to assist these groups make a
difference. Its High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) program awarded eight local non-
profits grants, totaling $40,000 for 2023. All of the 13 proposals received had tremendous
merit and we only wish we could have funded every project. Our 2023 focus shifted to reflect
the uncertain economic environment and the impact of the sharp rise in inflation in food and
housing. We want to be a resource for East Enders dealing with hardships across several
areas. HICO’s fourth cycle was a testament to the high quality of the grant applicants, as well
as their dedication and creativity. We are honored to announce the eight institutions that will be
this year’s grant awardees:
– Heart of the Hamptons
– Springs Food Pantry
– Southampton Day Care Center
– Hope and Resilience LI
– Riverhead Shelter Volunteer Program
– OLA of Eastern LI
– Bridgehampton Child Care & Recreational Center
– Maureen’s Haven
Individual grants were $5,000. It is our hope that the UUCSF will continue to be in partnership
with these institutions for the longer term.
A full description of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork’s HICO program
and each of the funded projects can be found at our website https://uucsf.org/hico-overview/.
Donations to expand our program are accepted via a dropdown memo on the congregation’s
Donate tab.
Bridgehampton, NY January 23, 2023… The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of
the South Fork (UUCSF), under the leadership of Reverend Kimberly Quinn Johnson,
continues to be a vibrant participant in our community. Our High Impact
Community Outreach (HICO) program is designed to serve our East End neighbors.
Over the last three years, HICO has granted $116,000 to 18 outstanding Long Island
nonprofits. HICO is awarding financial assistance to institutions residing in or
servicing any of the five Eastern Townships — East Hampton, Southampton, Shelter
Island, Riverhead and Southold — plus the Shinnecock Nation. The UUCSF will
consider applications from East End nonprofit groups, grassroots organizations,
and national organizations with East End offices.
HICO’s Focus this year reflects the uncertain economic environment and the impact
of the sharp rise in inflation. Funding will help the East End deal with multiple
hardships. Awards will address needs in the following areas: Food & Shelter;
Financial & Legal Education and Assistance; the Fostering of Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion; and agencies promoting Animals Helping People. Our targeted
population concentrates on those with children or having low incomes or support
for intergenerational family’s needs. The application deadline is March 31.
The HICO program was made possible by the generous bequest of UUCSF member
Paul Berman. To apply for a HICO grant please visit https://uucsf.org/hico-
overview/. Any questions can be directed to pac@uucsf.org. or call the
Meetinghouse at (631) 537-0132.
Bridgehampton, NY, July 22, 2022…..There are so many challenges and so many great groups working to make our East End a better place to live for all. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork (UUCSF) continues to try to assist these groups make a difference. Its High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) program awarded seven local non-profits grants, totaling $44,000 for 2022. All of the 13 proposals received had tremendous merit and we only wish we could have funded every project. This year’s focus targeted the secondary effects surrounding COVID – mental health and education – as well as working to level the playing field for more marginalized groups via advocacy, training, education, respect and fairer treatment.
HICO’s third cycle was a testament to the high quality of the grant applicants, as well as their dedication and creativity. We are honored to announce the seven institutions that will be this year’s grant awardees:
- The Butterfly Effect Project
- Children’s Museum of the East End
- Community Action Southold Town
- Inspirational Triathlon Racing International (i-tri)
- NY LGBT Network, Inc.
- SEPA Mujer, Inc.
- Sound Justice Initiative, Inc.
Individual grants ranged from $5,000 to $8,100. And it is our hope that the UUCSF will continue to be in partnership with these institutions for the longer-term:
The East End community can continue to support the HICO program by donating HERE. Also, a full description of our HICO program and each of the funded projects can be found at our website https://uucsf.org/hico-overview/.
Bridgehampton, NY, February 28, 2022
Although COVID and the pandemic may be entering a milder phase, the impact and the needs of our East End community continue to expand in numerous ways. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork’s (UUCSF) High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) program is awarding financial assistance to a select group of institutions residing in any of the five Townships — East Hampton, Southampton, Shelter Island, Riverhead and Southold — plus the Shinnecock Nation. The UUCSF will consider applications from East End nonprofit groups, grassroots organizations, and national organizations with East End offices.
Applications will be evaluated by the Proposal Assessment Committee (PAC) who are appointed by the UUCSF Board. 2022’s Focus will continue to be on the more marginalized Eastenders, seeking to empower them as well as addressing areas of increasing concerns. This year, grants will be awarded to organizations seeking project support that target one of the following at risk populations: LGBTQ, Single Adults, Young Adults and People of Color. Project needs should address one of the following areas: Equal Access to opportunities, Advocacy, Environmental Justice and Mental Health. The deadline for application submission is April 30th.
The HICO program was made possible by the generous bequest of UUCSF member Paul Berman. To apply for a HICO grant please visit https://uucsf.org/hico-overview/. Any questions can be directed to the PAC at pac@uucsf.org.
August 9, 2021
Bridgehampton, NY, August 9, 2021…..This is a question that many of us find ourselves asking again and again. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork (UUCSF) has taken this precious time to try to assist our East End non-profit institutions by awarding High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) grants for the second year. A 2020 grantee, Kate Fullam, Executive Director of the East End Food Institute shared, “East End Food Institute partnered with the Padoquohan Medicine Lodge in 2020-21 to create a program that assisted 25 families who were in need of a dignified way to access healthy food. Using the HICO grant, we purchased and processed high quality local produce so that the families could access the bounty of local farms without leaving the Shinnecock Reservation. The HICO grant helped us establish a stronger relationship with our partners at Padoquohan Medicine Lodge, and we distributed more than 1,200 lbs of frozen produce over the course of 10 weeks during the winter of 2020-21.”
HICO’s second cycle continues to welcome the high quality of the grant applicants as well as the dedication and creativity of the individual projects. “We are very pleased to announce the names of the 5 institutions that will be this year’s grant awardees,” said Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson, UUCSF Minister, “They are: Centro Corazon de Maria, Hampton Community Outreach, Maureen’s Haven, Southampton African American Museum and The Retreat.” The projects vary from supporting challenges including mental health, COVID vaccinations, parenting and education. The total amount of the awarded grants was $31,000.
The East End community can continue to support the HICO program by donating directly https://bit.ly/uucsfHICO. Also, a full description of our HICO program and each of the funded projects can be found at our website https://uucsf.org/hico-overview/.
March 29,2021
We have entered the second year of the pandemic and the needs in our East End community are just as large as they were a year ago. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork’s (UUCSF) High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) program is bringing some financial assistance to a select group of institutions from one of the five Townships: East Hampton, Southampton, Shelter Island, Riverhead and Southold plus the Shinnecock Nation. The UUCSF will consider applications from East End nonprofit groups, grassroots organizations and national organizations with East End offices. Applications will be evaluated by the Proposal Assessment Committee (PAC) who have been appointed by the UUCSF Board. “Our focus is shifting in our second year,” stated David Holstein, PAC member, “From the immediate dislocations generated by COVID to the populations and needs that have been underserved, excluded and require support.” This year grants will be awarded to organizations seeking project support that target one of the following at risk populations: Children and families, Single Mothers and People of Color. Project needs should cover one of the following areas: Early Childhood Education; Healing of the Earth; Cultural Education Through Sharing & Exploration and Healthcare Equity. The deadline for application submission is May 28th.
The HICO program was made possible by the generous bequest of UUCSF member Paul Berman. To apply for a HICO grant please visit https://uucsf.org/hico-overview/. Any questions can be directed to the PAC at pac@uucsf.org.
October 15, 2020
Bridgehampton, NY, October 15, 2020…Back in January the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork (UUCSF) started down a new path in search of partnerships with LI East End nonprofits. The goal was to assist in funding community outreach projects with the Congregations bequest received from departed member Paul Berman. After reviewing the many highly qualified grant proposals, seven grant recipients have been selected.
“The UUCSF is proud and elated to announce our very first High Impact Community Outreach (HICO) grant recipients for 2020,” stated Michael F. Daly, Board President. “The seven beneficiaries are: Butterfly Effect Project, East End Birth Network, East End Food Institute, East Hampton Meals on Wheels, OLA of Eastern LI, Padoquohan Medicine Lodge and Shinnecock Indian Nation.” The multi-dimensional East End community- based projects span from providing Senior Citizens of the Shinnecock Indian Nation with laptops and connection to the internet, to the Butterfly Effect Project’s intergenerational gardening initiative and the East End Birth Network mobile Parent & Baby Pantry. Sara Topping, Executive Director of the East End Birth Network, highlights the need for a mobile Pantry, “The issues we are trying to address with our mobile Parent & Baby Pantry are layered and intersectional,” she continues, ” The U.S. has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the developed world; Black and Indigenous woman are dying at a rate 3 to 4 times higher than White women and here in Southampton, Bridgehampton and Sag Harbor we have some of the highest infant mortality rates in the state of New York.”
The range of projects that will be funded are expansive and will greatly impact the residents of the East End. “We look forward to partnering with each of these dedicated institutions to provide the community with the much needed services that are outlined in each of their projects,” concluded Mr. Daly, “We welcome the opportunity to continue our partnerships next year with other East End nonprofits.” To read a fuller description of each of the grant awarded organizations detailed projects visit: